A Dedication
Our SPED Center is named after the Venerable Antonietta Meo, affectionately called “Nennolina”, who was born in Rome on December 15th of the year 1930. At six years old, osteosarcoma forces her left leg to be amputated. Already at that age, she had a concept of the value of suffering that was incomprehensible without the grace of God. In her short life, she exemplified the Christian virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, offering her suffering to Christ. These same virtues that all of us aspire for lead us to dedicate our center to her and all of God's children who enter our doors.
The Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
We are now accepting students with special needs with the help of the Developmental Pediatricians in our city. Our SPED teachers can coordinate with your chosen doctors to create and administer an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to address the particular needs of your child.

SPED CLASSES, SPED Tutorial, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy,
SPED Mainstream, Sign Language training, Pre-vocational Activities.
We also have programs for children with autism, ADHD, intellectual dissabilities and hearing impairment.
For information and to schedule an interview:
Diana Jean Ignacio
SPED Center Manager
0923-598-3478 (SUN)
email: centrofidei@yahoo.com